Week 8: Schooling

  1. What time do you normally get up to go to school? I get up like about 6:00-6:30, but I come late to school though.
  2. What do you normally have for breakfast, recess, lunch, (dinner, supper)?  Well my family is from Mexico, so I eat like beans, rise, tacos….. Things like that. After that I do my homework or go outside and play for a little.
  3. How do you get to school? How do I get to school, we’ll my mom takes me to school which is great.
  4. How long does it take to get to or from school? It takes like about 15-20mins to get to school.
  5. A typical lunch at school? My mom makes my lunch I help her get the lunch ready, and help her with my brothers.
  6. Subjects you have to do – remember to explain abbreviations like LOTE and ELA….. Well a subject that I like is ELA, and I have to do liked every day, my teacher is Mrs. Spiegelman she is a great teacher.
  7. Specialist subjects or electives, options. My favorite subjects in school are Art, ELA, S.S., and Music.
  8. Technology in your school.  In my school we use iPads which, we got from are principal Mrs. Clues
  9. What do you do at break times? Games, activities etc.  When it’s recess or lunch I play football, basketball or sometimes soccer.
  10. School bell has gone for end of day – what happens now?  Well, before the bell rings. My class and I pray together with our teacher, then we can go
  11. Do you have to wear uniform?
  12. How many days per year are you at school? How is this arranged – terms etc?
  13. What do you enjoy most about school?
  14. If you could improve your school, what would you do?

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